Ethereum Static Websites

Any data you attach on an ethereum transaction can now be a static webpage

View Sample Hello world Webpage on Ethereum Blockchain
Transaction on Blockchain

View Sample Webpage #2 on Ethereum Blockchain
Transaction on Blockchain

View This Webpage #3 on Ethereum Blockchain
Transaction on Blockchain

View Passage from A Tale of Two Cities
Transaction on Blockchain

View 2017 blog post
Transaction on Blockchain

View Ethereum transaction as static webpage

Enter an ethereum transaction to see as webpage:

As a sample you can enter

Simple Publisher


0 bytes

Clicking the Publish button will pop up a dialog to confirm the transaction and set the data for you. The price you will pay is 0 ETH + the gas price

How to Publish Webpage

1. First download the metamask chrome extension, though you could use any way of sending ether that lets you attach input data. You'll also need ether in your wallet.
2. Create your html web page and enter it in the textarea above.
3. Click the button "Publish to Ethereum Blockchain"
4. That's it! Now go find the transaction hash and that will have the info to save your webpage.

Manual - Encode Your Webpage as hex data to add to a transaction

Convert ASCII Text to Hex

Your Hex Result Here. Copy this as the input to the transaction

How to Manually Publish Webpage

1. First download the metamask chrome extension, though you could use any way of sending ether that lets you attach input data. You'll also need ether in your wallet.
2. Create your html web page.
3. Copy your web page into the first textarea, and click, "Convert to Hex"
4. Copy your resulting hex to your clipboard
5. Now create a transaction in metamask. You'll click send, then type in another wallet address you own. You can send some minimal amount. Then copy your hex result into the input section.
6. That's it! Now go find the transaction hash and that will have the info to save your webpage.

Other technical details

In the sample above (sent in June 2017) the transaction included 913 bytes of data. The cumulative gas used was 104084. The actual cost was $0.56. The gas limit is right now around 3.14 million. There is a limit on the size of the pages which would be the size that hits the max gas limit. It would get more expensive to store larger web pages but for basic pages or text it is cheap to store forever.


This website is made by Jeremy Keeshin.
View source on github
Using ethereum nodes with Alchemy API.